Penis enlargement is becoming a rather common topic when discussing male sexual health and self-esteem. It is not only become a topic of discussion; it is also becoming something many men consider, enlarging their penis.
Some men will set about doing just about anything in order to add even the slightest length to what they may consider to be, an inadequate penis. Along with all the discussions related to penis enlargement come all of the different and creative ways in which men actually undertake the process.
Among the many options men can choose from regarding penis enlargement are surgery, pills, and assorted devices. One of these choices that have become rather popular with men is the penis stretcher, specifically the ADS, or All Day Stretcher.
Why the All Day Stretcher
There are men that want to have their penis enlarged and they do not want to go under the knife. Surgery is a costly and invasive procedure that may work for some people, but definitely not everyone.
The ADS, on the other hand, is something that men can use in their efforts to lengthen their penis that requires no invasive procedures, it requires minimal effort, and as the name suggests, the man wears the stretcher for the better part of the day.
It is possible to wear the ADS because of the design and comfort. A man wearing the All Day Stretcher needs not worry over the device being visible. They are incredibly discrete devices. There is an assortment of penis stretchers available, but for maximum comfort and privacy, it is possible for a man that is interested in adding length to his penis, to make his own All Day Stretcher in the comfort of his own home.
What You Need for a Homemade Penis Stretcher
An All Day Stretcher requires a minimal number of materials. The following is a list of the materials needed to make a personal ADS at home.
- Cotton cloth – The cotton cloth should measure 1 inch by 20 inches. The purpose of the cotton cloth is to cover two inches or more of the shaft of the penis. The tape provides a protective barrier between the sensitive skin of the penis and the Theraband pieces.
- Theraband – Theraband are resistive exercise bands. To make your personal All Day Stretcher you will need two pieces of this material.
- Belt – To make the ADS you need one belt. The belt should be one that is old as alterations are a requirement.
- Tape – This item is optional.
There you have it, three or four different materials and you are on your way to creating your homemade All Day Stretcher.
Assembly of the ADS
Putting together your ADS is simple. Follow the directions listed below.
- Start with your strip of cotton cloth. Right below the head of your penis, start wrapping the cloth around the shaft. You want to use an adequate amount of resistance. Be careful not to wrap the shaft too tight or you risk cutting off circulation in the penis. If the cloth is too loose, the cloth can bunch up under your two Therabands. In both cases, the ADS will be ineffective and uncomfortable. Once wrapped, you can use the optional tape to adhere the loose end of the cloth.
- Next is to take one of the Therabands and wrap it around your shaft so it covers the same area as the cotton cloth. After wrapping the penis one revolution, place the other Theraband and place it so it runs the length of the shaft. The second Theraband will hang from your penis, secured to it by the other Theraband wrapping around it. Once again, use the tape to put the first Theraband strip securely in place.
- Locate your old belt and attach the second Theraband to it until it is secure and it provides a decent amount of resistance that is comfortable. You will wear the belt around your thigh, make alterations in length where needed.
- Once the belt is secured around your thigh, walk around to ensure it is not too tight or too loose. Make necessary adjustments. You want the ability to walk around comfortably.
That is all there is to making your homemade ADS. It can be worn under and assortment of different styles of clothes such as pants, sweatpants, and shorts.
When starting out with the ADS the first time remember to check for discoloration, numbness, sharp pain, or anything other discomfort aside from the necessary tension. Although it is possible to wear this device all day, start with no more than 20 minutes a day.
With time, it is possible to keep the ADS on as many as eight hours a day. One last thing to remember, prior to using a device such as this it is essential to do penis exercise to help protect the penis. Good luck on your journey!
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