All men have a slight obsessions with penis size. There are very few men who are actually happy with the length and girth of their penis which leads many of them to look into penis enlargement.
There are many different options, but perhaps the most well known of them all is surgical penis enlargement.
If you are considering penis enlargement then you may already have looked into the possibility of having this surgical procedure, but one of the things that you need to take into consideration and that is how much does a penis enlargement cost?
The Cost of Penis Enlargement Surgery
The average cost of penis enlargement surgery is anywhere from $5000 to $10000 depending on the clinic you choose. This is a substantial amount of money, so it is important that you fully understand what you are getting. Penis enlargement surgery involves cutting the ligaments that support the penis so that it can descend a little.
For several months afterward, it is necessary to use a traction device in order to stop the ligament from healing in its original position. Instead, the tissue cells are stretched and divided in order to fill the gap, thus making the ligament longer. This can add up to an inch in length, but results can vary and often are as little as a quarter inch.
There is no question that penis enlargement surgery works. In fact many consider it to be the only permanent way to gain inches.
given that results of a quarter inch to an inch can be achieved by non-surgical methods the price attached to such surgery is perhaps not exactly worthwhile.
This is something that you do need to take under careful consideration. There is also the fact that penis enlargement surgery is not without its side effects.
The procedure often results in scar tissue which can prompt the erection to point downwards instead of upwards.
This does not affect functionality, but can make it look different which may be a problem if you are already self conscious about your penis.
How Do Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement Methods Compare?
Due to the high costs involved and the fact that it is an elective surgical procedure, penis enlargement surgery should very much be considered a last resort rather than your first choice. There are many non-surgical options available to you which could prove to be just as effective not to mention less expensive. Let’s take a look at some of these methods and their associated costs.
Penis Enlargement Exercises
One method that you might have come across if you have been researching penis enlargement is exercise. These stretching exercises are designed to create micro-tears in the muscles within the penis prompting new cell grow to fill the gaps thus giving both its length and girth a boost.
There have been no real studies in this area so it is difficult to say just what sort of results you can expect from these exercises Online sources vary with many people claiming up to 5 inches of additional length. This does seem highly unlikely.
However, the exercises should help you to achieve stronger erections which can make your penis look and feel larger than it actually is. This could be a confidence booster for you anyway and it is possible that you may actually gain a little length. Just don’t pin your hopes on 5 inches!
The good thing about this method is that it is totally free and the exercises can be done in the comfort of your own home. You have nothing to lose so this method is very much a case of ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’, you might as well give it a go!
Penis Enlargement Supplements
There seems to be a supplement for everything these days and penis enlargement is no exception! However, before you rush out to buy these miracle pills, which could set you back around $50 a month. You have to be aware that there is absolutely nothing to prove that these supplements work.
This area is totally unregulated so there is no telling what you are actually getting. The best that you can hope for is that the supplements will give your libido a bit of a boost. The supplements also state that the effects only last while taking the supplement regularly. So you would be signing up for a long term monthly expense with little chance of any real results.
Penis Enlargement Devices
With prolonged use you can expect up to an inch gain in the length of your penis. This equates to what can be achieved through surgery but at a much cheaper price, especially considering you would have to use a similar device to rehab after surgery!
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