The size of a man’s penis is something that affects not only himself but also his sexual partner. Men can feel they are less of a man when they have a small penis.
They struggle with whether or not that can properly satisfy their partner and might even suffer self-esteem issues when confronted with men of larger size in places like a gym locker room.
Do men just have to learn to live with these issues related to the size of their penis?
Fortunately for them, and their sexual partner, men do not have to do that at all because there are ways to lengthen the penis that do not require any form of surgery!
What is Penis Weights?
Men interested in lengthening their penis without using costly and invasive procedures, like surgery, have multiple options available. One option that men have found effective that they can create at home, are penis weights.
You are probably thinking to yourself, “Put weights on my penis? Isn’t that going to hurt me and not help me?” The truth is the use of penis weights is not that new a concept. Furthermore, it has proven to be a relatively effective way of lengthening a man’s penis when used correctly over time.
Pros for Homemade Penis Weights
When it comes to the pros of using penis weights, there are numerous. Here are some key pros to this type of penis lengthening.
- It works – there is no denying that the use of penis weights has helped countless men lengthen their penis. It takes time, dedication, and the willingness to continue use if you start to feel you have no made adequate progress. Lengthening your penis is not done overnight. The process is going to take you longer than a week’s time; you need be prepared to use this method for an extended period to see the results you have always been dreaming of achieving.
- Self-esteem – One huge benefit is the change in your self-esteem. Men that have a short penis can feel in adequate sexually and as a man. When you start to see your penis grow, your self-esteem increases and you start to feel better about yourself as a man.
- Sexual benefits – When it comes to a longer penis you will find you have a new lease on your sexual life. You will not shy away from exposing your penis to your sexual partner as you had in the past. You might also become more adventurous in your sex life as well.
Cons for Homemade Penis Weights
There are two major cons when it comes to using homemade penis weights when attempting to lengthen the penis. They are as follows:
- Physical Damage – One of the biggest cons is physically damaging the penis. The incorrect application of the penis weights can result in a tearing of the tissue in the penis. In addition, if the material used to attach the weights to the penis is improper, the skin on the penis can suffer some damage.
- Lack of Results – When using penis weights you cannot expect to have results overnight, as that is not realistic. In order to lengthen the penis successfully it is going to take time and steadily increasing the amount of weight used to get the desired results.
Making Homemade Penis Weights
Now that you are aware of the pros and cons of penis weights, here is one penis weight option you can make at home.
- Supplies – Gather together a clean cotton sock, twine or shoe strings that measure 3 feet in length (two pieces), and small weights or sealed water bottles. *Note* the weight used should be small enough to comfortably hang between the legs.
- Create padding – Fold the sock over so it doubles the thickness. Insert your penis in the open end and use the twine or shoestrings to fasten the sock securely onto your penis. The twine should be tight enough to hold your weight, but not so tight it cuts off circulation.
- Attaching the weight – tie one end of your second piece of twine to your penis, the other hand is attached to your weight. The weight needs to hang directly between your legs and a comfortable distance from the ground.
Once you have secured your sock, twine, and weight you will want to do a set of 10 or 15 minutes. Pay special attention to any pain or numbness that may occur. If you use a weight too heavy, anything over five pounds for beginners, you can damage your penis.Immediately remove your weight if your penis feels extreme displeasure, such as sharp pains.
always start with a small amount of weight, be aware of any unusual pain, discoloration, numbness, and never leave the weight on longer than an hour in a day. Following the weight training, gently massage your penis to aid in recovery time.
Hello there. I read the steps on how to do it, but I couldn’t visualize some of it? Would you mind demonstrating it on something like a dildo? That would be appreciated.